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Episode I: Exploring Challenges With CMMC

This insightful session demystifies the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), a crucial security standard in today's digital landscape.

Learn who needs to comply with these regulations and when compliance is required. Our experts walk you through the vital steps towards achieving compliance and discuss resources to make this process easier.

Explore key topics like the potential grace periods, the nuances of contract bidding, and the most significant hurdles organizations face on their compliance journey. The episode wraps up with an enlightening discussion about the importance and quality of self-assessments in the compliance process.

This comprehensive exploration of CMMC compliance is a must-watch for any organization navigating the cybersecurity landscape.

Episode II: Differences Between CMMC 1.0 & 2.0

This informative episode explores the nuanced differences between CMMC 1.0 and the newly implemented CMMC 2.0. Discover why these changes were necessary and get an overview of the new compliance requirements.

The episode also provides valuable insights into what businesses can expect during an audit under the new system and how auditing varies between CMMC 1.0 and 2.0. 

Finally, prepare your organization for the transition as we walk you through the steps to update from CMMC 1.0 to 2.0. This episode is essential viewing for businesses seeking to stay ahead in the ever-changing cybersecurity compliance landscape.

Episode III: Impending CMMC Deadline

Learn what organizations can expect when the CMMC 2.0 deadline hits and how it impacts their current contracts.

The episode provides invaluable guidance on contract bidding post-deadline and helps demystify the audit process, including the frequency of audits and the preparation required. Key attention is also paid to the creation of plans of action and milestones in your compliance journey.

Finally, get access to future-facing advice and tips to ensure your business stays resilient and ready for the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Tune in to arm your business with the knowledge and foresight needed to thrive amidst these critical cybersecurity compliance changes.

Episode IV: Essential Components of CMMC

This episode serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the key elements of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).

Kickstart your learning journey with an exploration of System Security Plans (SSP). Our experts not only define what an SSP is but also delve into its significance, frequency of submission, and its relationship with the POA&M (Plan of Actions and Milestones).

The conversation then shifts towards another key component - the Data Flow Diagram. This tool plays an essential role in understanding how data moves within an organization, and the episode expertly breaks down its structure and purpose.

As the episode concludes, we take a deep dive into following Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), a crucial aspect of cybersecurity compliance. With the knowledge from this episode, your business will be better equipped to understand and implement the essential components of CMMC.

Episode V: Essential Cybersecurity Tips

This episode is a must-watch for organizations seeking to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.

Begin by exploring one of the most effective cybersecurity measures in the digital age - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Our experts unpack the concept of MFA, its effectiveness, and discuss whether it's entirely foolproof.

The conversation then shifts to the second essential tip - Security Assessments. Gain insights into this crucial measure that scrutinizes an organization's cybersecurity defenses. The episode explores whether security assessments are enabled by default and how businesses can make the most of these evaluations.

This episode is a treasury of insights and advice designed to help your business navigate the digital landscape safely and confidently. Make sure to tune in and arm yourself with these essential cybersecurity tips.

Episode VI: Evolution & Challenges With Cyber Liability Insurance

Unravel the intricate world of "Evolution & Challenges With Cyber Liability Insurance" in this eye-opening episode. As businesses navigate the expanding digital landscape, cyber threats loom large. Our expert panel takes you through the evolution of Cyber Liability Insurance, from its inception to its current state. Understand the different coverage options available and how to assess your organization's unique risk profile for the right fit.

Explore the complexities of premiums, deductibles, and policy limits to optimize your cyber insurance strategy. Real-life case studies shed light on the importance of cyber insurance in recovering from cyber incidents swiftly. Equip yourself with valuable insights to fortify your organization against the ever-growing array of cyber risks.

Episode VII: CMMC Acronyms

In this informative episode, we demystify the essential CMMC acronyms, making the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification more accessible. From maturity levels (MLs) to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), we break down the technical jargon.

Discover the requirements for achieving compliance at each ML and gain insights into the implications for organizations. Get clarity on the role of CUI and its significance in CMMC. By the end of this episode, you'll be well-versed in CMMC acronyms, enhancing your ability to tackle compliance challenges confidently.

Episode VIII: CMMC Timeline

Take a journey through the timeline of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) in this essential episode. From its inception to the latest updates, we explore the key milestones in CMMC's evolution.

Stay informed about the changes, releases, and future iterations of CMMC to adapt your compliance strategy effectively. Our expert panel discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with the evolving CMMC landscape.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of CMMC's timeline, empowering you to chart a successful path towards compliance.


Episode IX: FTC Safeguards Rule

Join us in this informative video as we delve into the latest developments regarding the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule. With widespread media coverage and expanded definitions, it's crucial to stay informed about this significant regulation.

In this episode, we'll explore the essence of the Safeguards Rule, shedding light on its purpose and implications. We'll discuss the scope of the rule, outlining the parties and entities it covers to help you understand if it applies to your business or organization.

Furthermore, we'll provide a timeline of key milestones associated with the Safeguards Rule, ensuring you have a clear grasp of the implementation process. From compliance deadlines to important updates, we've got you covered.

One essential aspect we'll address is the potential fines associated with non-compliance. Discover the financial implications of failing to meet the requirements outlined by the FTC. We'll break down the various penalty levels and their impact, enabling you to take proactive steps to avoid penalties.

Stay ahead of the curve and arm yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate the FTC Safeguards Rule effectively. 

Episode X: Data Backup and Security

Data backup and security take the spotlight in this crucial episode. Safeguard your organization's valuable information with best practices for data backup and recovery. Discover the latest encryption and authentication techniques to fortify your data protection strategy.

Prepare for the unexpected with disaster recovery planning and mitigate risks associated with data breaches. Whether you are an enterprise or a small business, this episode equips you with the knowledge to protect your data effectively.

Episode XI: Technology Planning 101

Unlock the secrets of effective technology planning in this foundational episode. Develop a robust technology roadmap aligned with your organization's goals.

From assessing technology needs to budgeting for IT projects, our experts provide practical advice. Explore the benefits of in-house and outsourced IT support and understand the potential of emerging technologies.

By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your technology planning initiatives.


Episode XII: Understanding the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Dive deep into the NIST Cybersecurity Framework in this insightful episode. Discover the five core functions - Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover - to fortify your organization's cybersecurity posture.

Align your cybersecurity strategy with the NIST Framework and learn from real-world examples. Address cyber threats effectively with the guidance provided in this episode. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the NIST Framework's importance and how it enhances your overall security measures.

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